17 May

A-Z Practical Dentistry for the Veterinary Technician


June 4TH, 2022
8:30AM – 10:30AM (MST)


  • A-Z Practical Dentistry for the Veterinary Technician
  • Instructors/Mentors:
    • Kathy Eby-Pershing CVT – Adv Vet Tech Dental Training
    • Kathy Tello CVT – Vet Tech & Self-Care Coach
    • Ingrid Pyka DVM Cert VMI – Practice & Team Consultant

A-Z Practical Dentistry for the Veterinary Technician

Online Dental Webinar brings you the essentials and indispensable tricks. Take the fear away and make dental radiographs faster and easier!

  • Beyond scale ‘n polish, it’s not just a cleaning
  • What’s hiding under the gums? Charting made easy
  • Heavy emphasis on taking better dental radiographs
  • Anesthetic risks & mitigators
  • And, BONUS, creating a relaxing & enjoyable experience for YOU!

contact@vetmatchPRO.com  |  303.946.4151

RACE Approval Pending (2 hrs)

Want to Get Started as a Vet-Tech Student at Bel-Rea? Call 303-751-8700 to Speak With an Admissions Advisor Between 8AM - 4PM MST Monday - Friday