TA Orientation

Download the Student TA Orientation Packetrequired reading for all applicants


Student Teaching Assistants (TA’s) provide assistance to Bel-Rea Instructors both in and out of the classroom setting. Typical Student TA duties include 1-on-1 tutoring or group tutoring clinics, helping with the quarterly vaccination clinics, proofing tests and handouts, assisting with manual revisions or other administrative duties, creating study guides or practice tests, proctoring exams, assisting in labs, and more!

Student TA’s will work only with classes they have successfully completed with an “A” or a “B” and will indicate which classes they would like to tutor for on their application.

Program Requirements:

  • 3.0 Cumulative GPA minimum at the time of application for all student applicants second quarter and up – must be maintained to stay in the program.
  • 1st quarter students are welcome to apply, even though they do not yet have a GPA – first quarter grades will be checked at the end of the quarter.
  • Do not fail any classes or go on academic probation (also required at the time of application). Medical Math Review and Perspectives are included, even though failing one of these classes will not affect your overall GPA. You can later apply again to the program, after clearing the failing grade with a passing grade, however, you will not be able to TA for the specific class you initially failed.
  • Appropriate behavior and professional appearance.
  • Other “model of leadership” requests may be made on an as-needed basis.
  • Approval: The list of applicants will be submitted to the faculty for approval at the end of each quarter. Accepted applicants will be notified over break via e-mail. Applicants who are not accepted will be notified via e-mail or letter over break.

Application Period:

Applications are available next to the downstairs Tutoring Board during the 6th to 8th week of each quarter. New applicants should fill out the first time applicant form, Student TA’s wishing to continue the next quarter need to fill out the renewal form. Please read the Orientation Packet before filling out an application.

Following the application deadline, applications will be reviewed, compiled in a database, and made available to the instructors. The instructors will then select STA’s for the upcoming quarter and contact them individually at the end of the quarter. Individual names will be posted on the tutoring board, following the class preferences given by the STA on their application.

Applicants will be notified of final acceptance or being turned down for the program after grades have been posted for the quarter.

Tracking and Incentives:

STA’s will be required to track their hours and the names of the students they assist, the instructors will sign off on the hours completed. Incentives (i.e. recognition certificates, credit at Bel-Rea’s Bookstore) will be awarded at the end of each quarter, based on the total number of hours completed.

As a group, the STA’s typically contribute between 600-900 hours of assistance per quarter and are typically awarded $5000-$8000 in credits at the Bookstore each quarter. The faculty and staff find their enthusiastic assistance extremely valuable!

Questions? Contact the Student Service Specialist, at (303) 751-8700 x206

Campus Alerts:

There are no alerts at this time

Need resources or have questions about campus security? Contact Corey Fine (Student Services Specialist/ Title IX Coordinator) at fine@belrea.edu or (303) 751-8700.

Want to Get Started as a Vet-Tech Student at Bel-Rea? Call 303-751-8700 to Speak With an Admissions Advisor Between 8AM - 4PM MST Monday - Friday